Club Meetings

Currently, meetings are centered around different topics on Wednesday nights. The special focus meetings are a great time to learn tips and techniques about different operating modes plus practice getting on the air.

  • 1st Wednesday – Cowlitz ACS Meeting at LCARA starting at 7:00 PM.

  • Presentation Night at LCARA will typically be on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. When a presentation subject is confirmed, the date/time and subject matter will be added here.

  • 3rd Wednesday – LCARA Business Meeting at LCARA starting at 7:00 PM.

  • Technical Committee Meetings at LCARA are on an "as needed" basis or a minimum of quarterly. When a meeting is confirmed, the date/time and subject matter will be added here.

  • 5th Wednesday – Social Night with Pot Luck Dinner and/or Deserts / Snacks at LCARA starting at 6:30 PM.

    2025 ~

    April 30th

    July 30th

    October 29th

    December 31st

The December meeting is a dinner meeting and social event where no business is conducted.

Watch for updates as meeting times and dates may change because of unforeseen activities. Winter weather conditions may occasionally require a change in meeting location.

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Subject to Approval

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From W7DG

* Monday Night VHF Net *

Each Monday at 8:00 PM is the Auxiliary Communication Service VHF net on the 147.260 N7DEM repeater. Please join in, visitors are welcome!

Weekly Friday Social & Operating

Each Friday beginning around 9:00 AM is our social and operating day. Stop by for coffee and sit down at a radio!

Business & Information